When I was a kid we called them "zerberts." I thought everyone called them that, and didn't hear the term "blowing raspberries" until I left home. Over the years I never met anyone else who called them zerberts so I started thinking maybe that was just a made-up family thing. (Although to be fair, this isn't a conversation that comes up regularly in my social circles). Then I googled "zerbert" and found the Urban Dictionary definition of the zerbert. Apparently the Huxtable family also called them zerberts, so it makes sense that we would say it because I remember watching The Cosby Show all the time as a kid.
Melissa's family calls them fobees. I'm thinking her family made this one up because google doesn't give us any relevent results, although she's not exactly sure about the correct spelling of fobee. (Phobee? Fowby? Faux bee? Fobi?)
Anyway, the reason for this informative dissertation on zerberts is that this little guy recently perfected the art of a zerbert:
We taught him how to do one and were both amazed that his sounded so much better than ours! They sound just like farts! I've convinced Melissa that we need to continue the tradition and keep calling them zerberts.
I grew up thinking they were zerberts but couldnt get it to stick with my kids who heard they were raspberries at school. Glad to hear someone carry on the tradition!
Do you think Jordan can teach me how to fly?
I grew up thinking they were zerberts but couldnt get it to stick with my kids who heard they were raspberries at school. Glad to hear someone carry on the tradition!
Bill Cosby rules!
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