Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our day at the beach

Here are some pictures from yesterday. Jordan would probably tell you it was the best day of his life. He loved playing in the sand and he didn't stop moving the entire 4 hours we were there. The only downside was that he was enjoying himself so thoroughly that a diaper change was almost an impossible task, as was putting on sunscreen. If he wasn't out exploring, he wasn't happy.
Unfortunately, those few times when he really let loose with one of his "just let me play in the sand" tantrums, his tears must have washed away the sunscreen. Today he has a sunburn just below his eyes and on his nose, but I still think he'd tell you the 4 hours was worth every minute.

This picture should be side-by-side with the picture of blonde curly baby Benji at the sand dunes in southern Utah, also eating the sand. I know what it looks like, but he wasn't using the spoon to eat the sand- the sand would just stick to where he was drooling (ew, gross!).

Me and Jordy chillin at the beach.

He really didn't know what he was getting into. Of course he was intrigued by the waves and all the water, but twice when we let him get too close he wasn't at all happy about it. Once a little wave caught him off guard and I think the cold water surprised him and he fell over crying. I had to pick him up and console him.

Look at me, King of the ocean!

We brought the boogie boards and I had a good time catchin' the waves! There were some big waves so I had a few good ones where I stayed on the board cruising along for around 20 seconds. At one point I found myself on the wrong side of a wave - the bottom. I was drug along the bottom for about 10 feet and lost some skin off of my back but quickly popped back up. Anyway, we all had a great time.

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