Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Monday, March 24, 2008

Movie reviews: Dan in real life, Drillbit Taylor, and Jumper

(In order to determine whether my movie reviews will be useful to you, you should check out my list of favorite movies in my profile. If you enjoyed these movies, my advice might be worth something. If you didn't like these movies, maybe don't bother reading the reviews.)

First off, my criteria for a good movie hinges on the believably of the movie. I'm not talking about how realistic the overall concept is - Sci-Fi movies can be really good even if they are a little far-fetched. The believability I'm referring to has to do with the dialog and acting - the way the characters interact with each other has to be realistic. For example, the movie "Charlie" is one of the worst movies I've ever seen because as the main characters are arguing it just doesn't flow like a natural argument; it rather seems like you can picture the argument taking place on the pages of the novel from which the film was adapted. It was a great story and might be a pretty good book, but the film version didn't do it for me.

Dan in Real Life
That being said, "Dan in real life" is one of the best movies I've ever seen. We finally got a chance to see it Thursday night when in was available in the local redbox. Many people had recommended it to us but we never got the chance in the summer. (Jordan was still so young we didn't dare hire a babysitter). It was one of the few movies where before it was over I knew it was going into my top 10 list. When I first realized Dane Cook was in it I thought, "Oh, great. Hopefully he isn't obnoxious like he is in any other thing I've seen him in" - but he did really well, as did everyone else. My favorite line of the movie? "This corn is an angel". If you've seen it, hopefully that made you laugh.
Recommendation: This is one of the movies you should not only see, but should own.

Drillbit Taylor
Based on the previews, we thought "yeah, that might be worth $1 when we can get in from Redbox". However, last weekend Melissa's Dad was here and he gave us some anniversary money and told us to go see a movie while he watched Jordan. We checked out what was playing right now and it was either this or "Miss Pettigrew lives for a day". That didn't appeal to me so we saw Drillbit.
It actually was a lot better than I was expecting. Most of the jokes made me laugh and, with the exception of the fat kid's hilarious rapping, it was pretty clean.
Recommendation: Not a bad movie. Get it from Redbox if you don't have anything else to do, or see it in the theater if someone else pays for it and offers to watch the kids.

Wow. This seemed like an interesting concept for a movie. I saw it in DC at about 10:00 at night when there was nothing else to do. Basically, the young Darth Vader falls in love with the girl from the O.C. when they're in Jr. High. Bullies and a deadbeat dad make his life miserable - then he figures out that he can think himself places so he runs, er, jumps away. As a teenager he returns to woo her and that's when the movie really starts sucking. Amidst his attempts to get the girl, Vader must evade a Dennis-Rodmanesque Samuel L. Jackson who is trying to kill him because he's a "jumper".
Recommendation: Just don't see this one. Unless you find my taste in movies to be completely different from yours, you really won't enjoy this movie.

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