Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Coolest Shirt in the World

Last night my lovely wife and I got together with a large group of dental students and spouses to play "The Newlywed Game." While we didn't win, I was sure proud of us on several questions where our answers were a little out there but we had exact matches. Twice, we both wrote "The coolest shirt in the world" as the answer. The questions were, "What is your husband's most prized possession?" and "What is one article of clothing your wife wishes you would get rid of?"

Needless to say, we got a few funny looks and I decided it was time to tell the world the story of what has come to be know as "the coolest shirt in the world." This is that story.

So there we were one afternoon, looking for some great finds at the local Goodwill. The shirt was displayed on the front of its rack for all to see. It caught my eye and seemed to be calling my name, beckoning me to try it on. I took it to the dressing room and found it to be a little big, but surprisingly comfortable. One glance in the mirror and I knew the shirt was to be mine.

I walked out to show my wife, hoping against hope that she would be as excited as I was, but was disappointed to learn something new about my wife of over 2 years: she possessed virtually no fashion sense. She told me it was hideous and that she would never let me wear it.

It was time to weigh my options. If I made the purchase I would be out $4 for a shirt I could never wear. On the other hand, if I walked away there is a good chance I would spend my life wondering about the shirt that got away - indeed, the coolest shirt in the world. It was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made.

I took it to the counter and handed over four dollar bills while the nice Hispanic gentleman rung it up. In his thick accent he shared with me his lamentation that, as a Goodwill employee, he was not allowed to buy the shirt - otherwise he would have done so earlier that day. I knew it! The reassurance I had failed to receive from my wife was given to me by this international fashion expert, who was formerly a high-end clothing designer in his home country but had to settle for a job in retail when he came to this land in search of freedom. He didn't say any of that, but you could kind of tell by looking at him.

Naturally I was a little curious as to the origins of the shirt, as well as what mysterious message was written on the side in what I presumed to be Korean characters, so when I got home I googled the brand name on the tag, "Solo Loco, animated." What did 15 minutes of google searching tell me? Absolutely nothing. Whoever made this shirt had no internet presence. That's when it hit me - this was no ordinary peasant shirt that you can simply "google" at will. This shirt is special, and although the origins of this shirt may forever remain a mystery, the super-natural powers bestowed upon the wearer of this shirt will have to wait until my wife decides to lift her ban on the coolest shirt in the world.

Here are a few pictures of me modeling the coolest shirt in the world:

I know what you're thinking. As handsome as I am, I don't really do the shirt justice. That's why I took the liberty to photoshop this image of the coolest shirt in the world wearing ITSELF, thereby making this the coolest picture in the universe!

It's like staring into eternity.

Lastly, I need your help. I need everyone to become a fan of "The Coolest Shirt in the World" on Facebook. If the page gets 200 fans, my wife has agreed to lift the ban on the Coolest Shirt in the World. Every fan counts.

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Ashley said...

Oh my gosh.

Cami said...

What?! Wow...whoa...amazing. This shirt is truly a gem indeed. It needs to be shared with the rest of the world for sure. Love your posts Benji, you made me laugh out loud more than once.

AshleyS said...

wes and i were wondering what the shirt looked like after saturday night. it all makes sense now, especially (sorry) why Melissa doesn't like it. i just can't join your facebook group, it would be going against my better fashion judgement.

Bags said...

I'm a fan, both literally and figuratively. You go brother!

Julie said...

You know, Melissa goes along with a lot, she even serves as an excellent photographer for you on each of your adventures capturing those crazy, crazy moments for all of us to enjoy. I'm siding with her on this one. You can't win them all.

Stephanie said...

I wonder if there are any girls that like it. And if there are any boys who will say they don't like it? Hmmmm.....

Laura Duce said...

If my husband tries the same thing I will hunt you down...

Mandy said...

Please don't ever let my son see this. :)
Ever since your christmas visit he occasionally dresses ridiculous and thinks he is a ninja. My favorite was layered turtlenecks that covered his mouth and nose. Thanks Uncle Benji!

jeffandkim said...

Benji. WOW. Of course you could pull it off, but that just brings shame to the family name! You bought that?? If you REALLY do like that...I'm glad you got it for such a good price. But even that...was overpriced. Sorry...still love ya though! Gotta back Melissa on this one...

Me... said...

Wow. Oh My Gosh. Holy Cow. Interesting. Groovy.

Wendy said...

Clearly your wife is threatened by that shirt. She knows what a chick magnet it is and she just can't handle it.


Shirl said...

I just had a seizure looking at your cool shirt

Motherofmany said...

this is late coming, but i just bought my husband a ghost in the shell shirt, with this label on it..and i have no idea of where it came from!!!