Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Her Holiness in my house!

You've seen it before - the 10:00 news story about the person who saw the Virgin Mary in a tree, and now all kinds of people are gathered around said tree to pray and light candles. And then the camera zooms in and you think, "yeah, ok, I can sort of see it".

A while back I started pointing out to Melissa anytime I'd see something that could resemble the Virgin Mary with the suggestion that we call the news. By now I've seen her all over the place. Well, this time Melissa beat me to it by pointing out the little miracle in our tile. Instead of calling the news, I'm blogging it - so anyone out there who wants to come pray at our house just send me a quick email and bring $20 with you and we'll let you come pray. But you have to hurry because we're mopping soon.

(the leading skeptics believe that Jordan dropped part of a banana and then stepped in it)

1 comment:

Fat Joe said...

Looks like Barack Obama to me.