Another article I read a couple weeks ago claimed that the scent of lavender in the waiting room had a calming effect on patients waiting to receive dental care. Personally, I think if I spent my whole career smelling lavender and listening to soothing ocean noises I'd end up a bit fruity, but any current or future patients of mine are more than welcome to inhale their own lavender and listen to soothing sounds on their Ipods when I'm working.
Here's a picture of a guy who definitely had dental anxiety. It looks like he's in a ton of pain, right? Well I can assure you, he looked like that the second he knew he was going to get a shot, not when he felt the needle. I kept stopping and asking (in my very limited Spanish) if it hurt. He'd look at me and say no, it was fine, but then go back to gripping the seat and closing his eyes really tightly as though I was torturing him. Poor guy.
I want would like it if the office smelled like a tropical paradise. Who wouldn't love it to smell like pineapple delight?
I can honestly say YES the sound bothers me and the smell for that matter. I know I am weird but as a child when the dentist (a family friend) would come to our house I would get physically ill from the smell. I guess it is a good thing Devin going to do otrho :)
When I was little we always had Schweppes ginger ale and raspberry ginger ale. I couldn't ever drink the raspberry one because it smelled just like the dentists office to me.
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