Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm a genius (at least in my sleep)

Ever have a great idea in your dream? Last night I came up with a winner. This dream was influenced by the fact that I have been swimming a TON lately, as well as the fact that I'm nearing the end of my 21 years of formal education and getting ready to settle down somewhere and eventually build a home.

So there I was, in dreamland, in my future bedroom. It was like my current bedroom in that Melissa and I had separate closets. Unlike my current room, it was very large and the closets went back about 30 feet (lucky Melissa, right?). In between the closet doors was a really big drawer. I pulled on the handle and found a swimming pool. That's right, a pool. The drawer just kept coming further and further out the more I pulled and eventually made it to the opposite wall. When fully extended, it made for a nice lap pool. I could hop in and swim right through the wall and into the far end of the closet. My future dream house (pun) had a secret pool in the bedroom! This may be the best idea I've ever had!

When I woke up I immediately started thinking about it and came up with two obstacles (I'm sure there are many more).
1- the sheer weight of the pool would prevent my simply pulling the drawer open. Solution- some sort of machine to do it for me, like a garage door opener but somehow cleverly blended into the room design.
2- in theory, when the drawer is closed, the water would be twice as deep. As soon as I open the drawer water would spill out all over (I'm sure you've seen the science fair project where someone puts tubes in various water glasses to demonstrate water pressure - that same principle is working against me). Solution- one idea is to have some sort of cover like a tarp that seals into the edges of the drawer as it opens. It could be hidden in the wall above the drawer. Once the pool is fully extended I could remove it and begin my swim. Another idea would be just to have the volume of the extended drawer be 2x the amount of water I use. I'd probably want high walls to prevent me splashing water everywhere anyway, right?

I've probably spent too much time on this idea as it is, but when I woke up this morning I was convinced I was a genius.

So there you have it. Let me know if any of you have ever had a great dream idea and if it panned out.

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