Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Monday, June 2, 2008


We had a great time camping in the San Bernardino National Forest last weekend. Jordan didn't see it as a vacation - he spent all his spare time hard at work in the dirt.


Fat Joe said...

You guys are tougher than me. On Lincoln's first camping trip we went home after mistaking raccoons for bears. Now I'm a fraidy-cat dad who owns a can of bear pepper spray and prefers to sleep in the van.

Benji said...

We actually exposed Jordan to the bears early. Last year we went on a memorial day hike which ended early due to a black bear on the trail. When Jordan gets bigger I'm sure I'll embellish the story of how I risked my life to save his and slew the beast!
It was actually good we went home because he was getting sick of his head bobbling around.