Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day of the Ninja

I've mentioned this a couple times already but now that "Day of the Ninja" is almost here, I thought I'd pass along a few ideas of how you might celebrate. Be sure to send photos or your ninja stories to me to be included in the Day of the Ninja Re-cap.

Ninja idea #1
- find a new hiding place in your home. Look around and think like a ninja. Then, when an unsuspecting family member or roommate wanders by, sneak up and scare them and kindly remind them that you could have killed them if you wanted to, so they owe you - big time.

Ninja idea #2
- Perfect the art of Ninja sneaking. Practice walking in such a way that your toes never lose contact with the ground. If you go slowly, this makes much less noise than regular walking because you won't step on any crunchy leaves or twigs.

Ninja idea #3
- Dress up like a ninja. No ninja clothes? Not to worry! Just grab an old t-shirt and follow these instructions. Or, try my makeshift method of just putting on a hoodie and tying a scarf around your head, like this:

FYI, you should know that ninjas don't always have to wear ninja suits. In ancient times, ninjas were known to dress as common farmers or peasants. When they're not out at night doing their ninja thing, ninjas often dress in such a way as to blend in with they're environment, like this guy:

See if you can find the ninja in this picture. Scroll down when you give up.

There he is:

(Tomorrow morning I plan on wearing light blue scrubs so I blend in with all the dental students around me.)

Ninja idea #4
- Using the makeshift ninja garb from idea #3, get out and be seen. I realize ninjas aren't supposed to be seen, but on the "Day of the Ninja" it's ok to make the world aware of your presence. Personally, I am inspired by this video and would probably do the same thing in the local parks if I weren't afraid someone would shoot me. I've got something else planned for tomorrow afternoon - check back in a few days.


Blogdor said...

I had to wait until today to tell you. You've inspired me. I'll donate to the Benji's Ninja Memorial Fund once it starts to make money...


Stephanie said...

Ninja's rule!

Benji said...

Adam - are you telling me you started that website? That's awesome! I'm jealous I didn't think of it first!

Steph - thanks for the ninja day post. Most people aren't aware of this Holiday and it's going to take a big effort to catch up to the stupid "talk like a pirate" day. Every little bit helps.

Blogdor said...

Well, like I said, I did start the website, but it wasn't by myself. I was inspired by you. Me taking credit for it would be like saying that shredder was the mastermind behind the TMNTs antagonism, when we all know it was Crang. And my wife actually thought of the name while we were trying to come up with one. So no, I didn't think of it all by myself. But I have done most of the work setting it up.

Cami said...

Benji you crack me up! I found your family's blog through my sister and I had to read your dental ninja blog. :) This video had me laughing pretty hard. You'd make an awesome ninja Benji. I can't believe you are in your 4th year at dental school! How exciting is that! Your family is sure adorable. Glad to see you doing so well. Just thought I'd say hello! (This is Cami Christensen from good ol Box Elder by the way)