Things I have recently grammed; instantly:

Friday, December 19, 2008


While I'm on the subject of irony, I'd like to share with you what I feel is one of the most ironic news stories I've ever heard. You know those motivational posters that are all over the workplace in an attempt to somehow keep employees motivated? Well the company that makes them had to lay off 34 employees.

It happened about three weeks ago and you can read about it here in the Dayton Daily News. I'm sure you've also seen the parodies known as "Demotivators." I'm sharing this story now because the past two days were some of the most de-motivating I've ever had. I'd spent several weeks getting ready for my dental board exams and thought it would be a good idea to schedule it in Salt Lake City for the first two days of my Christmas break so I could get it out of the way and just relax. Well, turns out my plan had a few kinks in it - mainly due to mother nature and her desire to keep Californians out of Las Vegas for a couple days.

Eventually we made it, and I took the first half of the test today and feel pretty good about it. In an attempt to share my de-motivation with the world, I've created my own posters. These won't make any sense by themselves, but together they tell our story.

Go here to create your own demotivational poster. Also, special thanks to Joe and Stephanie for their excellent internet and cellular telephone skills and helping us find the one place that still had any vacancy, and special thanks to the Desert Mirage Inn for the wonderful accommodations.


Julie said...

Once we went to a gas station and bought our own AJAX to scrub the bathtub. It was the only vacancy. (American Falls, ID) Another time we actually slept on top of the covers because we didn't want to crawl under them very badly. (Lava Hot Springs - my birthday)

How ridiculous for that all to happen before your test - sorry.

Steph said...

Oh MAN! Sorry for sending you to such crappy place. Now I feel obligated to make it up to you-- name your treat.

Benji said...

No need Steph, that adventure was a treat! Seriously, we'll take that place over our car any night.